a “You can’t always control what happens,
Dr. Richard Bandler but you can always control how you deal with it”
a Joseph Conner and John Seymour “NLP is the art and science of personal experience” a “If you dream it, you can do it” Walt Disney

Nothing brings us into the present like a goal

The best way to predict the future is to create it.   With NLP, anything is possible. You can make your life whatever you decide it to be. NLP helps people align their self-image with what they want to achieve. What is self- image? Basically, it is the mental picture and set of beliefs that we have about ourselves, the people we interact with and the environment we work in which can often help or hinder us. When we believe something to be true –whether it is true or not – we will behave as if it is true.

How is NLP used in hypnotherapy?   Hypnotherapy puts you into a” trance-like” state which allows access to your subconscious mind so you can become open to new suggestions and ideas for change. We use NLP positive language and suggestion so you can achieve a mind- set change that enables you to make dramatic changes in your life.

What does NLP mean?

All of our experience is gained from the neurological process that governs our five senses: taste, touch, smell, sight and sound.

Relates to the idea that the way we use language – both verbal and non-verbal - influences our experience.

NLP says that that in the same way a computer uses various software to assist tasks, so does the brain. It looks at how we do things, the decisions we make and the outcome.

Restore yourself

Welcome to Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)


Areas that we can help you with

What is anxiety? Anxiety is the body’s natural response to threat triggered by the sympathetic nervous system, often known as the ‘fight of flight’ response and produces the following; effects – rapid breathing rate, increased blood sugar levels, increase in heart rate, sweating and more.

Any combination of these feelings can very easily trigger a sense of alarm, which can lead to a feeling of “unreality” feeling “detached”.

At low levels anxiety can help us stay focused and mentally alert. It helps us remember to take our medication, turn off oven and perform our very best in social gatherings. However, too much anxiety can become constant and overwhelming.

Racing heart

Chest Pain




Shortness of breath



Hair pulling


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    Do you feel like you’re stuck? Or drowning? Or like you just hit a wall? Many people seem to believe that once they have depression, it is just the way it is. But, you know, it’s not true at all. You can make a decision to take your life back into your own hands.
    How can Hypnotherapy help?
    You may think it strange, but depression is a normal reaction to overwhelm. The human mind can cope with so much at any given time and when it has used up all its coping mechanisms, the brain naturally goes into overwhelm. And in order to help you get out of overwhelm, you need new coping mechanisms and new strategies to deal with whatever is going on.
    Learn new different responses with hypnotherapy and NLP and learn to be happy. That’s the way to beat depression.
