What is Depression?
It is a low mood that can last for weeks and months and effects your daily life.
Depression Symptoms:
Low Mood
Feel of Worthless
Feel Guilt
Lack of energy
Hard to focus
Struggling to make decisions
Too little sleep
Too much sleep
No interest or pleasure
Suicide thoughts
Loss or Gain in weight.
Do you feel like you’re stuck? Or drowning? Or like you just hit a wall? Many people seem to believe that once they have depression, it is just the way it is. But, you know, it’s not true at all. You can make a decision to take your life back into your own hands.
How can Hypnotherapy help?
You may think it strange, but depression is a normal reaction to overwhelm. The human mind can cope with so much at any given time and when it has used up all its coping mechanisms, the brain naturally goes into overwhelm. And in order to help you get out of overwhelm, you need new coping mechanisms and new strategies to deal with whatever is going on.
Learn new different responses with hypnotherapy and NLP and learn to be happy. That’s the way to beat depression.
Restore Yourself