
Can help with a wide variety of issues and can help to reinforce any ides introduces during hypnotherapy session +

The number one phobia is public speaking. Do you have a fear of speaking in public? Do you get nervous just thinking about giving a speech in public? Do you get physical symptoms like sweaty palms and a dryness in your throat? Hypnotherapy can help you to learn to detach yourself from physiological reactions and can help you improve the skills required to become a confident public speaker. +

OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a condition that involves obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior or physical activities that are disrupting your quality of life. Hypnotherapy is a great treatment for OCD because essentially, you are already hypnotising yourself with your repeated behavioral patterns. Hypnotherapy focus more on rooting out the problems from the subconscious level by utilizing the power of the subconscious to figure out why the urge is triggered and then correcting the problem from its root instead of merely managing it. +

Hypnosis is a form of mental training and can therefore contribute to enhancing athletic execution. Hypnosis can help athletes: Improve their confidence, remove negative thoughts, increase motivation, increase dedication, help to overcome distractions and use deep relaxation to imagine success. +

Not being able to fall asleep or not being able stay asleep is a common effect of our busy and stressful lives. And No matter how hard you try to get to sleep, it seems more hopeless and frustrating. The chances are you are probably trying too hard. Hypnotherapy can be the most effective, natural and side effect free treatment for sleep disorder. +

Are you suffering due to the end of a relationship and/or are you desperate to leave behind your pain and get past your sadness? It can be hard to move on when you constantly think about your ex and when you are consumed with reminiscing about the times you had together. A grieving process is natural, but for how long? There comes a time for us all when we must get on with our own life, move on from the past. Hypnotherapy can help reprogram your unconscious mind to forget about your pain and finally move on. +

Do you find it impossible to stop biting your nails. Are you fed up at looking at those ugly chewed up finger nails? Whether your problem is a bad habit or an anxious state of mind, it can be resolved. Hypnosis is one of the quickest and effective ways to resolve nail biting forever. It’s a safe, natural and effective way to communicate your conscious desires and reframe old subconscious beliefs. +

Hypnosis can be effective for both men and women who would like to regain their confidence and have a fulfilling sex life. More and more, people are turning to hypnosis for sexual problems. Sexual issues are very common. You may be suffering in silence, but you are not alone. Hypnotherapy can be helpful in addressing: Anorgasmia - inability to reach orgasm for women Vaginismus - inability to engage in sexual penetration for women Premature Ejaculation, Erectile Dysfunction, Pornography Addiction and Fear of Sex. +

Regardless of the circumstances, losing someone close can be very traumatic. We might feel alone, vulnerable and even angry and vulnerable. We may feel that we just can’t cope anymore. Some people shake and cry whilst others act as if nothing has happened. For some, grieving is a process which does not improve over time, in fact, it may even be worse. Whatever our different stages of grieving are, we should not ‘bottle up’ our traumas inside. Hypnotherapy helps you to begin to move on, to begin to live your life again and to learn to enjoy yourself without feeling guilty. Symptoms; Headaches, Insomnia, Sleep excessively, Nausea, Weight loss and Weight gain. +

Hypnotherapy is very helpful when it comes to changing habits. Hypnotherapy will help you into a deeply relaxed state where your subconscious is more susceptible to suggestion. Hypnotherapy for eating disorders works by promoting an overall change in mindset that includes motivation. It motivates you in your eating habits and physical exercise. The power of suggestion will help to change your thought process and habits in regards to your daily diet and facilitate change in your daily routine and food relationship. +

You already know how bad smoking is for your health. It’s a major cause of lung cancer and other cancers, coronary heart disease, emphysema, stroke and other major diseases. Hypnotherapy is so effective at helping smoking cessation as it addresses both the habit of smoking and the underlying psychological reason as to why you smoke +

Panic attacks can be triggered by particular situations. They can strike at any moment, suddenly and without warning, and that is what makes them so terrifying to those experiencing them. Hypnotherapy can help relieve stress, fear and anxiety. It can also be used to help in coping with the symptoms of panic disorder. By getting your subconscious under control,you can eliminate your panic attacks. But, unless you address the problem in your subconscious, your panic attacks will likely never go away for good. Hypnosis can help you . Identify When,Where and What triggers your panic attacks . Replace negative thoughts with truthful statements . Help to reprogram your mind in the way you think and react to fear . Teach self-hypnosis for Daily Reinforcement. +

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Gastrointestinal Disorders (GI) are complex disorders with symptoms unique to each patient. Hypnotherapy helps address the ‘miscommunication’ between the brain and the gut. Hypnotherapy can also help to alleviate other occurring symptoms such as nausea and fatigue. +


I didn’t have a lot of hope that hypnotherapy was going to work for me, but I knew I needed to do something. I went to see Bobbley Phillips and had three sessions with her. She made me feel at ease throughout and we worked on looking toward the future rather than focusing on the past. Bobbley has helped me change my outlook on relationships and I feel so much more positive. So, if you’re wondering if this really works, take my word for it. It worked for me.

RM Session attendee


Since I visited Bobbley and received treatment for insomnia, my dreadful sleepless nights have refused. I’m feeling more energetic. Thanks

S.F Session attendee

Definitely not your typical therapist

Definitely not your typical therapist! What an amazing experience. You are so nonjudgmental and easy to talk to. Thank you for helping me in getting my confidence back. I’m starting a new job next month

T.F Session attendee

Thank you!

Thank you so much, I feel great. Came across a spider in the garden shed last week and moved it onto the grass! I can’t believe it! I’m full of gratitude.

L.N Session attendee

Accountability for me is to be responsible and do what I have to say that I am going to do.


My aim is to connect with you on all levels. You know that with connection comes trust. Trust to overcome all challenges.


I am not better or worse than anybody, I just am. I strive to achieve the results that you want.


I respect what others have to say and where they come from. I don’t judge, but accept people for what they are.


There is no limit to what we can have, be or do. Everything is available to us. We can ‘have it all’ in every area of our lives


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